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Auxiliary Photos


Auxiliarists returning from a Potomac River patrol.

Auxiliarists Glen Thomason, Paul Kennedy and Gary Palsgrove returning from a Potomac River patrol.

Retired Master Chief Julian and Jean Everly with Rear Admiral Sally Brice O'Hara at the Fall Conference.

Retired Master Chief Julian and Jean Everly with Rear Admiral Sally Brice at the Fall 2009  Conference. 

Rear Admiral Sally Brice O'Hara and Joe Riley, DCDR at the Fall 2009 Conference.

Rear Admiral Sally Brice and Joe Riley, IPDCDR at the Fall 2009 Conference. 

Gary Palsgrove receiving Flotilla of the Year - 2nd Place award from Joe Riley, IPDCDR at the 2010 Change of Watch.

Gary Palsgrove, FC, receiving Flotilla of the Year Award - 2nd Place (over 378 hours per member) from Joe Riley, IPDCDR at the 2010 Change of Watch.